Global Leadership and Development (GLAD) strives towards promoting positive mental health to address the mental health needs of school going children .GLAD aims to provide a safe and confidential environment in which our specialist resources will support students in discussing and managing psychological or emotional challenges they face.
Function in preventive, remedial and developmental modes
Function to remove barriers to development if any, in the individual or in the environment
Identify, assess, evaluate, solve or refer, if necessary, problems of students which may be behavioural, emotional, social, academic or psychological
Involves the team efforts of the teachers, the parents and other school staff
The changing family structure and the evolving social trends with a breakdown in the traditional support system has created a gap for fulfilling the physical, psychological and social needs of the child stressing the need for an alternative support system to meet the needs of the child in preventing and in responding to the various psychosocial needs of the school children.GLAD provides a reliable and consistent framework for prevention, early assessment and intervention .
Psychometric assessments to screen out any psychological issues
Group sessions and activities with students on relevant issues
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) training for teachers
Leadership workshop with students
PANDAS ( Parent Network for Development Across schools )
Leadership coaching for school leaders
Projected Outcomes
Social and personal development of the students
A safe space for students to share their problems
Increased awareness
Increase in their self-efficacy, self-awareness, communication skills and confidence
Developing leadership skills that can be applied to everyday life
Better management of interpersonal and intrapersonal relationships and conflicts
Identify, reflect on and improve one's coping skills
Ability to work in a group and respect other's ideas and opinion